The Ants of Africa
Genus Plectroctena
Plectroctena anops Bolton

Plectroctena anops Bolton

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Ghana (Bolton, 1974b: 326, illustrated, holotype worker) - see below; worker only known (see Bolton, 1974b: 326, Bolton, 1995) .

{Plectroctena anops}Bolton's description (1974b) is at {original description}

WORKER - Small, TL 7.4 mm; eyes absent. Mandibles without a differentiated basal tooth, the apex swollen. Propodeal lamina strongly developed, continuous around the dorsum and sides of the declivity. First gastral tergite without a transverse groove anteriorly. Dorsum of head with large pits or foveolae whose diameter is greater than the distances separating them (Bolton, 1974b: 319, illustrated, head and petiole, worker). Colour red-brown.

A blind subterranean species from Ghana, known only from the holotype worker, which was collected at CRIG, in an ant ecology sample (D. Leston, 8.ix.1966) (Bolton, 1974b). Belshaw & Bolton (1994b) did not find it in their extensive leaf litter sampling. Bolton & Brown (2002) added Ghana, Kwadaso, by J. Plisko.

{Plectroctena anops}The photomontage is collated from

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