The Ants of Africa
Genus Plectroctena
Plectroctena gabonensis Santschi

Plectroctena gabonensis Santschi

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Gabon (Plectroctena gabonensis n. sp., Santschi, 1919a: 336, worker; Bolton, 1974b: 323, queen) Libreville, Chalot
worker and queen described (Bolton, 1974b, not illustrated) . Note - Bolton & Brown (2002: 11) revised this to a junior synonym of minor.

Santschi's (1919a) description is at {original description}. Bolton's modern description (1974b) is at {original description}

WORKER - TL 12.8-14.0 mm; similar to minor but slightly smaller; first gastral tergite with transverse groove very weak, usually only visible in middle of sclerite; eye smaller. Colour deep red-brown (minor is black).

Original collection from Libreville, Gabon, by Chalot, 1.xii.1897.

Bolton (1974b) lists records from Gabon, Equatorial Guinea (Fernando Po I.) and Zaïre - 6 findings. Now known from Cameroun, collected by the Campo Forest study (Bolton, Dejean & Ngnegueu, 1992), four samples, two from soil, one from rotting wood and one from an abandoned termitarium of Cubitermes banksi.

© 2007, 2012 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
