Polyrhachis aenescens Stitz
Type location Cameroun
(Polyrhachis aenescens n. sp.,
Stitz, 1910: 151, worker), only known worker, location not given,
collected by von Knobloch - no images on Antweb (December 2014)
worker only described (Bolton, 1973b) .
Stitz's (1910)
description is at . Bolton's modern
description (1973b) is at
WORKER - TL 6.2 mm; separable from related species by
no erect hairs on the dorsal surfaces. Pubescence fairly dense with a
pale yellowish reflection on the pronotum, silvery grey on the gaster.
Sculpturation of a fine, dense reticulation. Colour black, legs brown
or orange-brown, the tibiae lighter (Bolton, 1973b: 332, illustrated
alitrunk and petiole only).