Polyrhachis alluaudi Emery
Type location Ivory Coast
(Polyrhachis Alluaudi n. sp.,
Emery, 1892d: 567, illustrated, worker; Bolton, 1973b: 297, queen),
holotype, and 2 paratype workers, from Assinie, collected by Ch.
Alluaud, 1886 - see below
junior synonym anteplana (Polyrhachis
(Myrma) Alluaudi Em. v. anteplana
n. var., Forel, 1916: 448,
worker) from Zaïre, Kohl - see below.
Worker and queen described (Bolton, 1973b) .
Worker TL 6.7-7.1 mm;erect
hairs only on clypeal margin and gastral apex. Sculpture everywhere a
fine dense reticulate-puncturation, sides of the head with numerous
coarser punctures (Bolton, 1973b: 297, illustrated, full-face view,
alitrunk profile, anterior petiole).