Polyrhachis gagates F. Smith
Type location South
Africa (Polyrhachis Gagates,
F. Smith, 1858b: 71, illustrated, worker; Forel, 1886f:
194, queen) Port Natal - see below
junior synonyms
clariseta (Polyrhachis
nigriseta var. clariseta
nov., Santschi, 1910c: 400,
worker) from Congo, Mandouga,
Weiss - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0912120
congolensis (
Polyrhachis gagates Sm. var. congolensis
nov., Santschi, 1910c: 399, worker) from Congo, Mandouga, Weiss - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0912121
nigriseta (Polyrhachis
nigriseta n. sp., Santschi, 1910c: 399, worker) from Congo,
Mindouli, Weiss - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0912122
indefinata (Polyrhachis
gagates Sm. r. indefinita
n. stirps,
Forel, 1913b: 349, worker) from Zaïre, Sankisia, Katanga - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0905626
obsidiana (Polyrhachis
(myrma) gagates F. Sm. subsp. obsidiana
n., Emery, 1921e: 21, worker) from Gabon - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0905627
unavailable name acheron (Polyrhachis
schistacea race indefinita
var. acheron, Arnold, 1924:
746, worker) from Zimbabwe - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0903452
Revised Bolton (1973b: 305, not illustrated), also see Bolton,
1995) .
F Smith's (1858b)
description is at . Forel 1879a) gave a
full description, this is at . Arnold (1924) gave an illustrated
translation, this, with his description of acheron is at . Santschi's (1910c) descriptions of congolensis
(as a gagates variety) and nigriseta, with clariseta
as a variety, are at . Forel's (1913b) description of indefinita
is at . Emery's (1921e)
description of obsidiana is at .
Bolton's modern description (1973b) is at .
- TL 11.3-13.2 mm, HL 2.66-3.03, HW 2.04-2.40, SL 3.34-3.56, PW
Variable species, separable from the other large species by a relative
lack of erect hairs - on dorsal alitrunk only on pronotum; and gaster
highly polished. Colour black, head and alitrunk dull or shining,
gaster always highly polished; no more than very fine pubescence.
Ground nesting species of dryish savannah and scrub,
whose nesting habit was illustrated by Wheeler (1922), see right and
"click" for enlarged view.
Forel (1911f) found specimens of congolensis in
the Congo Museum from Zaïre, Congo da Lemba, by Mayné. It is a
widespread and very plastic species, found through east and southern
photomontage of the holotype worker is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0903451.
photomontage of a worker from Tanzania is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0227564.