Polyrhachis kohli Forel
Type location Zaïre (Polyrhachis
(Cyrtomyrma) kohli, Forel, 1916: 454, worker & queen; synonymy
of Bolton, 1973b, revised by Rigato, 2016: 26), holotype female and
syntype workers from
Kinshasa (H. Kohl).Forel.
Forel's (1916) description
is at .
Bolton's (1973b) modern description, under volkarti, is at .
Rigato's (2016) revision is at .
WORKER - TL 5.9 mm, HL 1.37, HW 1.00, SL 1.81, PW 0.89;
separable by narrow build, truncate clypeal lobe, lack of a metanotal
groove and presence of a pair of propodeal spines (Bolton, 1973b: 341,
illustrated, full face and alitrunk profile).