Polyrhachis medusa Forel
Type location Tanzania
(Polyrhachis schistacea Gerst. r medusa nov.
stirps, Forel 1897c: 206,
all forms; raised to species Forel, 1907g: 92), from Zanzibar, coll. A
Voeltzkow; all forms known. (Bolton, 1973b: 312, not illustrated; also
Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1897c) description is at . Bolton's modern description (1973b) is at
WORKER - TL 12.6-14.4 mm, HL 2.74-3.00, HW 2.40-2.52, SL
3.37-3.56, PW 2.24-2.52
Similar to Polyrhachis
schistacea but distinguished by the abundant pubescence, and
from Polyrhachis
militaris by that having golden pubescence. Colour black but
covered in long dense white or off-white pubescence.