Polyrhachis nigrita Mayr
Type location Ghana
(Polyrhachis nigrita nov.
spec., Mayr, 1895: 153, worker) Dr Brauns - see below
junior synonym schoutedeni (Polyrhachis
(Myrma) Schoutedeni n. sp., Santschi,
1919c: 249, worker) from Zaïre, collected at Dolo, by F.
Chaltin, xi.1912 - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=rmcaent000017825
worker only described (synonymy by Bolton, 1973b: 328) .
Mayr's (1895) description is
at . Santschi's (1919c) description of schoutedeni
is at . Bolton's modern
description (1973b) is at .
WORKER - TL 7.0-8.9 mm; distinguished by the marked
of the dorsal pair of petiole spines (Bolton, 1973b: 328, illustrated,
alitrunk and petiole only).
Bolton had it as probably being a ground-nesting
Collected at Chama by H. Brauns. Other records from Zaïre (from
the stomach of a toad, in Wheeler, 1922) and Uganda.