The Ants of Africa
Genus Polyrhachis
Polyrhachis new species CAR Moretto

Polyrhachis new species CAR Moretto

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Central African Republic, holotype and one paratype worker only.

WORKER - TL ca 5.3 mm, HL 1.20, HW 1.10, SL 1.35, PW 0.90; CI 85, SI 120
Head finely but distinctly sculptured, with a short longitudinal groove terminating in a pit-like depression posteriorly, close to the antennal insertion; dorsum of alitrunk with sutures, but not incised; anterior corners of pronotum with short but distinct teeth. Compares with Polyrhachis khepra but that lacks altrunk sutures and has coarser sculpture on the head, plus wholly dark mandibles; also much more abundant and somewhat longer erect pilosity.

Oxford University Museum specimens

Polyrhachis n.sp. cf. braxa
B Taylor det.

Central African Republic
P Moretto
PN Ndoki
02˚28'39" N
22˚01'20" E
Camp 1, forêt dense diversifiée, piège iule


{Polyrhachis nsp car moretto}The photomontage is of a worker from the Central African Republic, Sangha, Ndoki; collector P. Moretto

{Polyrhachis nsp car moretto}The photomontage is of a second worker from the Central African Republic, Sangh, Ndoki; collector P. Moretto

© 2015 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
