The Ants of Africa
Genus Prionopelta
Prionopelta humicola Terron

Prionopelta humicola Terron

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Cameroun (Prionopelta humicola nov. sp., Terron, 1974: 115, illustrated, worker & queen) no type images on Antweb (April 2015)

Worker and queen described (see Bolton, 1995) .

{Prionopelta humicola}Terron's (1974) description (that of the worker only) is at {original description}.

Terron describes collecting the unique holotype worker from Nsoung in the Manengouba massif to the west of Nkongsamba; the specimen was found at 1650 m altitude, on 7.xi.1971, in soil at the bottom of a tree. The unique paratype female came from a soil sample (Berlese funnel) at Nkolkomou, 750 m altitude, 15 km to the west of Yaoundé, on 1971. It was captured in forest in humus rich soil.

{Prionopelta humicola}The photomontage of a specimen from Rwanda is collated from the site at
Collection Information: Specimen Code CASENT0102504; Locality Rwanda: [Rangiro]; Collection codes: ANTC4711; Date: Sep 1976; Collected by: P.Werner

Oxford University Museum specimens

Prionopelta humicola
B Taylor det.

Y Braet
Gabon 222
00°34' N
09°19' E
Leaf litter, winkler funnel

{Prionopelta humicola}The photomontage is of a specimen from Gabon, Pongara National Park; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 222).

© 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
