Prionopelta humicola Terron
Type location Cameroun
(Prionopelta humicola nov.
sp., Terron, 1974: 115, illustrated, worker & queen) no type images on Antweb (April 2015)
Worker and
described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Terron's (1974) description
(that of the worker only) is
at .
Terron describes collecting the unique holotype worker
Nsoung in the Manengouba massif to the west of Nkongsamba; the specimen
was found at 1650 m altitude, on 7.xi.1971, in soil at the bottom of a
tree. The unique paratype female came from a soil sample (Berlese
funnel) at Nkolkomou, 750 m altitude, 15 km to the west of Yaoundé, on 1971. It was captured in forest in humus rich soil.