The Ants of Africa
Genus Psalidomyrmex
Psalidomyrmex foveolatus André

Psalidomyrmex foveolatus André

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Sierra Leone (André, 1890: 314, worker; NOTE - Emery, 1899e: 471, queen & male was a description of P. procerus, correction by Emery 1901a) collector A. Mocquerys; all forms described .

André's (1890) description is at {original description}. Bolton's modern description (1975b) is at {original description}.

{Psalidomyrmex foveolatus} Nigeria specimen (Taylor, 1976: 31). WORKER. TL 8.42 mm, HL 1.87, HW 1.65, SL 1.24, PW 1.03
Colour dark red-brown, shiny. Sculpturation as for genus. Mandible falcate. Antennal scapes relatively short. First gastral tergite not narrowed anteriorly, the foveolae on this segment and the pronotal dorsum with a dense striation between them. Bolton (1975b: 7, illustrated, first gastral tergite and petiole in dorsal view) described generally larger specimens, TL 9.4-10.2.
Collected by me from soil at the base of a cocoa tree at the Cocoa Research Instiiute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre. Soil nesting and foraging under the surface. Also recorded from "Ibadan" probably CRIN (R.H. Booker) (Bolton, 1975b).

Wheeler (1922) also listed it from Guinea (Kakoulima, F. Silvestri) and Cameroun (Conradt; Bibundi, Tessmann).

{unavailable due to copyright} Bernard (1952) reported findings (unlisted by Bolton, 1975b) from Guinea - Kéoulenta, 500 m, sample D, 1 queen; Station T134, Ziéla, savanna, without rocks, 4 workers (2 brown and 2 orange-yellow immatures - a state in which the large Ponerines can remain for several months). He described it as similar to the types of André, characterised by the ventral border of the petiole with a sharp angle - rounded in other species.

Elsewhere, known from Ivory Coast, at Lamto, Toumodi (J. Lévieux); and Ghana, at CRIG, Kibi, Wiawso and Asamankese (D. Leston; CRIG also by B. Bolton) (Bolton, 1975b).

In Ivory Coast also in Lévieux (1972). Bolton & Brown (2002) reported findings from Ivory Coast, Palmeraie Lame, by T. Diomande, and Iringou, by F. Krell; Cameroun, Ottotomo Forest, by A. Dejean.

{Psalidomyrmex foveolatus}The photomontage of the type worker is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Psalidomyrmex foveolatus
B Taylor det.
J-F Vayssieres
RVA 3099.3
09°14'07'' N
02°11'52'' E
running on the ground


{Psalidomyrmex foveolatus}The photomontage is of a worker from Benin, Kika-Beterou; collector J-F Vayssieres (RVA 3099).

© 2007, 2008, 2013 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
