Type location Gabon (Bolton, 2000: 331, worker) Prov. Woleu-Ntem, ESE Minvoul; 7.ii.1998, B L Fisher .
Bolton's description is at .
Dorsum of head entirely covered with flat, appressed, scale-like hairs, each wider than they are apart; TL 1.7 mm, HL 0.50, HW 0.35, SL 0.20, PW 0.21
The photomontage of the holotype is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0900057.
Oxford University Museum specimens
The photomontage is of a worker from Gabon, Pongara National Park; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 134). Note: previously identified by me as Pyramica ravidura