(1965) description is at - . Bolton's modern
description (1983), as Glamyromyrmex
tetragnathus, is at .
WORKER - TL 2.4-2.8; readily distinguished by key
also head with posterior border with indented flat medial area, colour
blackish-brown to black (Bolton, 1983, illustrated head, alitrunk and
pedicel profile).
Bolton (1983: 323) includes records from Cameroun,
near Yaoundé (G. Terron), and Nko'emvon (D.A. Jackson).
Room (1971) listed specimens determined as Codiomyrmex
near tetragnathus Taylor (noted as a new
species) from cocoa
leaf litter at the Mampong Cemetery farm in Ghana (specimens
apparently not seen by Bolton). Since described as widespread (31
workers from 6 sites) in leaf litter in the semi-deciduous forest zone
by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).