The Ants of Africa
Genus Simopone
Simopone annettae Kutter

Simopone annettae Kutter

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Cameroun (Simopone annettae n. sp., Kutter, 1976: 273, fully illustrated, queen) from Fo-Tabe, 5°31'N, 9°35'E, collected by Kutter, 11.i.1937; known only from a single winged female recognised by Kutter as separable from the females of Simopone conciliatrix .

{Simopone annettae queen}Kutter's (1976) description is at {original description}, {original description}, with the illustrations at {original description}.

TL 4.6 mm, HW 0.61, HL 0.88, SL 0.32; mainly brownish-black with the appendages lighter.

PUTATIVE WORKER (Bolton & Fisher, 2012: 18) HL 0.79–0.86, HW 0.50–0.59, SL 0.23–0.28, EL 0.26–0.30, PW 0.39–0.45, AIIW 0.38–0.46, AIIL 0.37–0.44, AIIIW 0.45–0.56, AIIIL 0.46–0.56, WL 0.90–1.04, MFL 0.40– 0.46, CI 65–69, SI 43–48, EL/HW 0.48–0.51, EP 0.90–1.00, AIIW/AIIL 1.03–1.07, AIIIW/AIIIL 0.96–1.02 (5 measured).

With head in full-face view the outlines of the outer margins of the eyes fractionally fail to interrupt, or at most just interrupt, the outlines of the sides of the head at their midlength. ES 0.23–0.26 and width of head across broad- est part of eyes 0.52–0.58. Frontal carinae extend back to level of anterior margins of eyes and are weakly divergent posteriorly. Cephalic dorsum with scattered broad, shallow punctures. Conspicuous ground sculpture is present between the eyes, organised into roughly longitudinal fine costulae or striolae between the punctures; ground sculpture fades out behind the level of the eyes. Leading edge of scape with a few setae, inclined toward the scape apex. Sides of head below and behind eyes with projecting short setae, inclined anteriorly. Cephalic dorsum with numerous short, curved setae and with a few pairs of longer setae present; longest setae occur on the frontal carinae and above the eye. Ventral surface of head with short setae. Mesosoma in dorsal view narrowest across the mesonotum (maximum width 0.37–0.46), broadest across the propodeum (maximum width 0.39–0.48). Anterior margin of pronotum weakly marginate. Propodeum with a fine weak carina between dorsum and declivity. Entire dorsum of mesosoma with widely spaced broad, shallow punctures. Mesopleuron with a few punctures and a distinct transverse sulcus. Propodeal declivity smooth except for a narrow band of disorganised superficial sculpture immediately below the dorsal carina. In profile, dorsal surfaces of mesosoma and all abdominal tergites with numerous posteriorly curved setae. Standing setae present on middle and hind tibiae. AII (petiole) in dorsal view with a weak transverse carina both anteriorly and posteriorly, the sides convex, broadest behind the midlength; the width across the anterior margin is somewhat less than across the posterior margin. Dorsum of AII with large, shallow punctures whose diameters are mostly equal to or greater than the distances that separate them. On tergite of AIII the punctures are of similar size but slightly more crowded, so that some are adjacent. AII broader than long, AIII about as broad as long, AIV distinctly broader than long (width 0.44–0.60, length 0.47–0.54; AIVW/ AIVL 1.19–1.24). Head capsule and body black; scapes and funiculi light brown; femora and tibiae brown.
QUEEN (alate gyne). Answers the description of the worker and is about the same size, but winged and with a full complement of flight sclerites. HL 0.90, HW 0.61, SL 0.29, EL 0.30, PW 0.49, AIIW 0.47, AIIL 0.45, AIIIW 0.56, AIIIL 0.63, CI 68, SI 48, EL/HW 0.49, EP 1.18, AIIW/AIIL 1.04, AIIIW/AIIIL 0.89; mesoscutum maximum width 0.52, mesoscutum maximum length 0.32.
S. annettae was originally described from a single alate queen. The workers described above form the closest possible match to the holotype and are tentatively described here as the workers of the species..
Material examined. Ghana: Afwerase (P. Room). Cameroun: Fo-Tabe (H. Kutter). Gabon: Prov. Ogooue- Maritime, Res. Monts Doudou, NW Doussala (B.L. Fisher); Res. Monts Doudou, NW Doussala (S. van Noort). Central African Republic: P.N. Dzanga-Ndoki, Lidjombo (B.L. Fisher). Democratic Republic of Congo: Yangambi, rive Lubilu (Raignier & van Boven).

{Simopone annettae queen}The photomontage of the type queen is collated from

{Simopone annettae }Worker (according to Bolton & Fisher, 2012) shown on

Oxford University Museum specimens

Simopone annettae Taylor det.
E Poirier
Nimba County
07°33’38" N
08°32’33" E
SLAM trap
Secondary forest
473 m asl


Simopone annettaeThe photomontage is of a dealate queen from Liberia, Yekepa; collector E Poiriet (Yekepa SLAM 3). Matches the type queen (above).

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