Simopone conradti Emery
Type location Cameroun
(Simopone Conradti n. sp.,
Emery, 1899e: 475, worker; in Wheeler, 1922; see Bolton 1995) no
locality, collected by Conradt .
(1899e) description is at . Illustration from Emery
(1911e: Pl.1,
Fig. 7).
Brown (1975: 82) noted a specimen collected by W H
Gotwald on the Foręt du Plateau, near Lamto Research Station, Ivory
photomontage of a specimen from Kenya misidentified as grandis
is collated from the site at
Collection Information: CASENT0178214; Locality: Kenya: Western:
Busumbuli, Kakamega Forest; 00°16'12"N 034°52'48"E 1600 m; Collection
codes: WF135; Collected by: W. Freund Date: Jan 2002; Method: fogging
ex Teclea nobilis
This clearly is not grandis and appears close to conradti
differing in being considerably bigger, having straighter sides to the
head; and, being generally smoother and shinier.
Bolton & Fisher (2012: 22), however, list this
without explanation as their chosen example of the species, Under their
note on the type specimen they note two workers are in the MSNG
collection, one with TL 6.6 mm and the other TL 8.2. They
recognise the smaller as the type. This is the one (above) I
included on this website back in 2005.