Strumigenys londianensis (Patrizi)
Type location Kenya (Proscomyrmex
londianensis n. sp., Patrizi, 1946: 295, illustrated, worker;
1983: 377, not illustrated) - paratype shown below .
Patrizi's (1946)
description is at . Brown (1954k: 14), as Strumigenys londianensis, gave
notes, these are
at . Bolton's modern description (1983) is at .
WORKER - TL 3.5-4.2 mm; pronotal humeri with stout
feebly clavate straight hairs; propodeum without sharp teeth; light
brown, gaster darker
The specimens from Tanzania, shown below, match Patrizi's description
in all ways, including the overall size, TL ca 3.0 mm (not as Bolton
stated 3.5-4.2 mm), but differ in having sharp triangular teeth on the
propodeum. Curiously, Brown gave a paratype as size TL 4.2 mm, HL 0.88,
ML 0.45, CI 75, MI 51. The Tanzania specimens do, in my view, support
Patrizi's description, even though his drawings seem a little
Bolton (2000: 602) is not available on HNS. His key
added Ethiopia as a location.