Bolton's description (1981b) is at .
WORKER - similar to piceus but slightly smaller, TL
4.5 mm, and with rugular sculpture on the promesonotum, plus hairs on
the first gastral tergite. Colour mid-brown to blackish-brown.
Holotype worker and 1 paratype worker from Okumaning (D.
Leston, 12.viii.1969). Other Leston collections were at Kade (1
paratype worker) and Enchi (2 paratype workers; 12.v.1969). Although
not listed by Bolton (1981b), it may be the Terataner species
B collected by Room (1971) from cocoa leaf litter, canopy and mistletoe
at the Mampong Cemetery Farm, and at three of his other cocoa canopy
samples. In a later paper on the fauna of cocoa mistletoe, Room (1972a)
described it as a mimic of Crematogaster
africana, as it uses that ant's trails and copies its habit of
bending the gaster over the alitrunk, and also of Crematogaster
buchneri. He confused the question of species by listing Terataner
species 37 as the only Terataner on cocoa mistletoe
in Ghana by Room (1975).
Also known from Ivory Coast, Banco Forest (1 worker,
W.L. Brown, 10.i.1963) (Bolton, 1981b).
The photomontage is collated from
- originals by Gary Alpert, Harvard University; paratype specimens from
Ivory Coast.