photomontage is of a specimen from Gabon,
Pongara National Park; collector Yves Braet (Gabon 187).
This appears to be close to the Bolton (1980) drawing
with the angular petiole, with a lateral carina, and short propodeal
spines. It differs, however, in the following aspects: - it has very
weak sculpturation on the dorsum of the pedicel segments and sharp,
upturned propodeal spines; the anterior pronotal cormers are rounded
and not angular; the pilosity is of sparse fairly short and thick erect
hairs; and, the almost black colour with contrasting dark orange,
mandibles, antenna and even lighter legs seems distinctively different.
In all except the colour and larger size, it seems not too dissimilar
to the specimens I collected and drew at CRIN, Nigeria. It also shares
characters with the Weber description of papyri
TL ca 2.7 mm, HL 0.65, HW 0.58, CI = 89, SL 0.42, SI = 73, PW 0.47, AL
0.72; a slightly lower CI and a lower SI.