Tetramorium eminii (Forel)
Type location Ethiopia
(Triglyphothrix Eminii n. sp., Forel, 1894b: 79, worker)
Sudabessinine, Ilg - see below
akermani (Triglyphothrix
Marleyi Forel var. Akermani
n. v., Arnold, 1926: 265, worker) from South Africa,
Pietermaritzburg, Dr C Akerman - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0901131
(Triglyphothrix Marleyi n.
sp., Forel, 1914d: 221, worker) from South Africa, Krantz
Kloof, H B Marley - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0901131
(Triglyphothrix cinereus spec.
nov., Weber, 1943c: 377, illustrated, worker) from South Sudan,
Imatong Mts., 24.vii.1939, N A Weber - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
guillodi (Triglyphothrix
guillodi n. sp., Santschi,
1937d: 233, worker) from Angola, Ebanga - see http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=casent0915005
marthae (Triglyphothrix
Marthae n. sp., Forel, 1911e: 265, worker) from Tanzania,
Zanzibar - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
(Triglyphothrix guillodi Sants.
v. mus n. v., Santschi,
1937d: 234, worker) from Angola, Ebanga - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
worker only
described see Bolton, 1995) .
specimen (as Triglyphothrix species D, Taylor 1980a: 61)
WORKER. TL 2.64 mm (2.7-3.6 mm in Bolton, 1976: 324, illustrated,
full-face and lateral head; in my guide as (previously Triglyphothrix
species D), other dimensions not measured as the
specimen was in poor condition.
Colour very dark red-brown. Sculpturation of coarse rugoreticulum on
the head, alitrunk and pedicel. Erect hairs trifid and only moderately
abundant. Head without marked antennal scrobes. Propodeal spines
reduced to short, acute teeth; metapleural lobes similar. Petiole and
postpetiole longitudinally compressed.
From Nigeria a single specimen came from the
base of a tree in a garden at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria,
Idi Ayunre, collected by B. Bolton. From Ghana, at Legon (D.
Leston). Otherwise, from locations all over sub-Saharan Africa (Bolton,