Tetramorium intonsum Bolton
Type location Ghana
(Bolton, 1980: 288, illustrated, head only, worker) .
Bolton's description (1980) is at .
Nigeria specimens (as Tetramorium species
Q, Taylor, 1980a: 55). WORKER. TL 2.8 mm, HL 0.65, HW 0.58, SL 0.58, PW
Head, alitrunk and pedicel rugoreticulose, rugae more pronounced
dorsally. Erect hairs abundant and moderately long. Eye small.
Propodeal spines moderately long and acute, with a slight down turn
apically; metapleural lobes short and low triangular. Petiole node with
a distinct anterior face; posterodorsal face curved. Colour
The specimen from Nigeria was found in a dry dead log in a kola
plot in the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre, by B.
Holotype worker and 8 paratype workers collected from
rotten wood CRIG by Bolton (15.i.1971), plus 3 other collections, all
of workers, by him at CRIG (in 1970-71).
The only other finding was from Ivory Coast at
Dabou Savannah, west of Abidjan (W.L. Brown).
A finding from Guinea, reported by Bernard
(1952) as Tetramorium
shilohense may well be of this species (rather than the
southern Africa shilohense).