Tetramorium mkomazi Hita Garcia, Fischer &
Type location Tanzania
(Tetramorium mkomazi, sp. n., Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters,
2010: 26,
illustrated worker); worker only
known .
The Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters (2010) description
protected by copyright.
photomontage is of the holotype worker from Tanzania, Mkomazi
Game Reserve, valley behind Ibaya, 03° 58' S, 37° 48' E, burnt savanna
on slope, nest entrance in little prominence c. 5cm, high probably made
by termites, field # 67, 28.XI.1995, leg. H.G. Robertson (BMNH:
ZFMK_HYM_2009_6087).All other records are from Mkomazi or the adjacent
Amani Hills