Tetramorium muralti Forel
Type location Cameroun (Tetramorium
Muralti, n.sp., Forel, 1910e: 429, worker; Santschi, 1914d: 368,
from Aburi, Ghana), no location, collected by L. von Muralt
synonym trilineata from Ghana (Xiphomyrmex Muralti For. var. trilineata n. var., Santschi,
1919h: 88,
worker & queen) collected at Aburi by F. Silvestri - queen see below
worker &
queen described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1910e) description is at . Santschi's (1914d) description is at . Santschi's (1919h) description of trilineata
is at . Bolton's modern description (1980) is at .
WORKER - TL 2.77 mm; specimens from Ghana cocoa
but not drawn (in my guide as Xiphomyrmex species A). Bolton
(1980: 229, not illustrated) has TL 2.1-2.3.
Brown, shiny and unsculptured. Head with distinct antennal scrobes;
also medial dorsal longitudinal carinae which run the full length of
the head plus two shorter carinae, one on each side, which are between
the medial and frontal carinae. The pedicel segments are thick scales.
I could not definitely match these specimens with any in
Bolton (1980, not illustrated) but two workers were collected from the
ground at CRIG by Bigger (1981a). Bolton (1980) had it as a
forest-inhabiting species which nests in rotten wood in the
leaf-litter, with findings from Ghana, at Mampong (P.M. Room)
and Kukurantumi (C.A. Collingwood). Since described as widespread (189
workers from 10 sites) in leaf litter by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b).
An Ivory Coast finding, at Banco Forest (W.L.
Brown) and Divo (C.A. Collingwood); also known from Zaïre
(Wheeler, 1922). Bernard (1952) listed four workers (as X. muralti)
from Guinea at Nimba North-East, forest (Villiers).
photomontage of the type worker is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0909184.
Oxford University Museum
Tetramorium muralti
B Taylor det.
Y Braet
Brazzaville area –
4°15'33" S
15°17'5" E
Hand collection
Worker and queens
Tetramorium muralti
B Taylor det. |
Central African
P Annoyer
Camp 2
03°01'49.5" N
16°08'31.7" E
567 m; Polytrap at
44m dans l'arbre
The photomontage is
a worker from Congo, Brazzaville area, ca 4°15'33" S 15°17'5"
E; hand collector Yves Braet.
photomontage of the trilineata type queen is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0915033.
photomontage is of
an alate queen from Congo, Brazzaville area, ca 4°15'33" S
E; collector Yves Braet.
photomontage is of
a dealate queen from Congo, Brazzaville area, ca 4°15'33" S
E; collector Yves Braet.
The photomontage is
of a queen from the Central
African Republic, Dzanga-Sangha National Park;
Philippe Annoyer (CAR Camp 2).
This is a good match for the Santschi (1914d) description, including
the large postpetiole, equal in size to the petiole.