Tetramorium nautarum (Santschi)
Type location Annobon I.
(Tetramorium caespitum stirps nautarum n. st., Santschi,
156, worker; raised to species by Bolton, 1980) Reichensperger .
Santschi's (1918c) description is at . Bolton (1980) gave no description of nautarum
commenting that it may be no more than a synonym of one of the European
members of the caespitum-group.
From Santschi's description and the photomontage, I
agree with
Bolton that nautarum seems to differ little if at all from the caespitum
type form.
Locality: U.S.A.: California: Yolo; Davis, CA; 38°33'00"N 121°45'00"W
Collection Information: Collection codes: PSW13315 Date: 14 Apr 1997
Collected by: P.S.Ward Method: ground nest
Habitat: park/garden
WORKER - TL 2.6-2.7 mm (Bolton, 1980: 321, not