Tetramorium postpetiolatum Santschi
Type location Zaïre (Tetramorium
coloreum Mayr var. postpetiolata n. stirps, Santschi,
1919h: 88, worker; raised to species by Brown, 1957b: 75) collected at
Penghe, by J. Bequaert, 25.i.1914; worker only described (see Bolton,
1995) .
Santschi's (1919h) description is at . Bolton's modern description (1980) is at .
WORKER - TL 3.1 mm; very similar to Tetramorium
coloreum but separable by unsculptured dorsum of postpetiole
and base of first gastral tergite; smooth mandibles; small, low
metapleural lobes; relatively longer dorsum of petiole node and petiole
node no longer than broad (Bolton, 1980: 301, illustrated, alitrunk
Other locations in Zaïre are in Ituri Forest (T. Gregg
and N.A. Weber).