Tetramorium pylacum Bolton
Type location - Ivory
Coast (Bolton, 1980: 301, illustrated, full-face view, alitrunk and
pedicel profile, worker) .
Bolton's description (1980)
is at .
WORKER - TL 3.3-3.7 mm; clypeus with a strong median
plus flanking paired carinae with a pair of weaker rugulae between.
Extensive wide rugoreticulum on the alitrunk and pedicel, plus the base
of the first gastral tergite being finely and densely longitudinally
costulate. All dorsal surfaces with numerous stout standing hairs,
mostly blunt apically. Colour blackish brown, first gastral tergite
lighter .
Described from the holotype and 4 paratype workers from
Forest (T. Diomande, 19.vi.1975); plus 2 workers collected from Nzi
Noua, collector J. Lévieux, 17.iii.1969). No close relatives in West
Africa (Bolton, 1980).