The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetramorium
Tetramorium pylacum Bolton

Tetramorium pylacum Bolton

return to group key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location - Ivory Coast (Bolton, 1980: 301, illustrated, full-face view, alitrunk and pedicel profile, worker) .

{Tetramorium pylacum}Bolton's description (1980) is at {original description}.

WORKER - TL 3.3-3.7 mm; clypeus with a strong median carina, plus flanking paired carinae with a pair of weaker rugulae between. Extensive wide rugoreticulum on the alitrunk and pedicel, plus the base of the first gastral tergite being finely and densely longitudinally costulate. All dorsal surfaces with numerous stout standing hairs, mostly blunt apically. Colour blackish brown, first gastral tergite lighter .

Described from the holotype and 4 paratype workers from Tai Forest (T. Diomande,; plus 2 workers collected from Nzi Noua, collector J. Lévieux, 17.iii.1969). No close relatives in West Africa (Bolton, 1980).

{Tetramorium pylacum}The photomontage of the holotype worker is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Tetramorium pylacum
B Taylor det.
A Fotso Kuate
Tetramorium sp15

Awae II
03°54'30" N
Quadrat in fallow

Tetramorium pylacum
B Taylor det.
A Fotso Kuate
Sample 76

03°54'30" N


{Tetramorium pylacum}The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun; Awae II; collector A Fotso Kuate (fk tetramorium sp 15).

Both this and the worker below from a different Cameroun site are slightly bigger overall than the Ivory Coast specimens but appear otherwise identical to the Bolton (1980) description.

{Tetramorium pylacum}The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun; Nko'ondo; collector A Fotso Kuate (fk unmounted 76).

© 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 - Brian Taylor CBiol FSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
