Tetramorium rhetidum Bolton
Type location Ghana
(Bolton1980: 318, illustrated, latero-dorsal head only), holotype
worker, 8 paratype workers and 2 queens from CRIG, leaf litter and leaf
mould samples, by himself (2.1x.1970, 25.xi.1970). Bolton also listed
another CRIG collection (D. Leston). Since described as widespread in
leaf litter (971 workers from 9 sites) by Belshaw & Bolton (1994b) .
Bolton's description (1980)
is at .
WORKER - TL 1.9-2.1 mm; characterised by the side of the
in full-face view having a number of very short, curved decumbent
hairs. All dorsal surfaces also have numerous short stout blunt hairs.
Coloured uniform bright yellow.
From Ivory Coast, at Banco Forest (W.L. Brown)
and Divo
(L. Brader), plus Gabon and Zaïre.