Tetramorium sericeum Arnold
Type location Zimbabwe
(Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) Hepburni Arnold var sericeus
n. v., Arnold, 1926: 277, worker) Redbank, G Arnold
worker only
described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Arnold's (1926) description is at . Bolton's modern description (1976) is at . Arnold's comparison was with the type of hepburni, that now is a junior
synonym of Tetramorium inezulae.
WORKER - TL 2.3-2.8 mm, HW 0.54-0.70, CI 93-97, SL
0.36-0.46, SI 65-67, PW 0.40-0.52
(Bolton, 1976: 335, not illustrated; reverted to Tetramorium from
Triglyphothrix by Bolton, 1985).