Tetramorium wadje Bolton
Type location Ghana
(Bolton, 1980: 322, not illustrated) holotype worker and two paratype
workers from Aburi (P.M. Room, 1.iii.1969) and he also listed a
collection at CRIG (C.A.M. Campbell, 3.ix.1975) .
specimens (as Tetramorium species T²,
Taylor, 1980a: 57). WORKER.TL 2.32 mm, HL 0.53, HW 0.47, SL 0.37, PW
The only sculpturation is faint rugulation on the dorsum of the head.
Erect hairs are sparse and very short. There is no margination of the
alitrunk and all dorsolateral edges are rounded. Propodeal spines
dentiform, obtusely triangular; metanotal lobes essentially absent.
Petiole node with a sloping anterior face rounding into the
posterodorsal face; postpetiole smoothly domed; subpetiolar tooth
relatively large and obtusely triangular. Colour golden yellow, with a
shiny transparent cuticle.
I collected a single specimen from a cocoa tree in the
block at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre
(14.i.1975) (in Bolton, 1980).