Tetraponera braunsi (Forel)
Type location South
Africa (Sima Braunsi n. sp., Forel, 1913a: 112, worker
queen; in Tetraponera, Wheeler, 1922: 797), Willowmore, Cape,
collector Dr H Brauns
subspecies durbanensis
(Sima Braunsi For. v. durbanensis n. var., Forel, 1914d:
218, worker) from South Africa, Durban, Natal, collector G Arnold
unavailable name equidentata
from South Africa (Sima (subgenus Tetraponera) clypeata Emery race Braunsi
Forel var. equidentata, n.
Arnold, 1916: 184, illustrated, clypeus only,
worker) Cape Town
worker & queen only described (see Bolton, 1995) .
(1913a) description is at . Forel's (1914d)
description of durbanensis
is at . Arnold (1916: 184-5)
gave an illustrated translation of braunsi, durbanensis
and equidentata; this is at .
Arnold (1916: 184) had Sima
(subgenus Tetraponera) clypeata
Emery race Braunsi Forel as black (as is clypeata)
var. equidentata n. v., presumably black but not stated, as
smaller, TL 3.5-4 mm, than braunsi and having the clypeus with
three equisized teeth
var. durbanensis Forel as entirely dark ochreous yellow,
head alitrunk and gaster smooth and shining.
The photomontage
of a
syntype worker of "durbanensis" is
from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=casent0281881.
Comparing this with the type description of Forel (1913a): assuming
the scale is correct, the TL is ca 5.0 mm cf 3.9-4.4 mm (Forel 1914d
gave the durbanensis TL as
3.4 mm); the occiput is
strongly rounded, not feebly convex; the eyes are ca 1/3 head length,
not 1/4; this is yellow-brown not black. A review would probably lead
to this being elevated to species status or being new species