The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetraponera
Tetraponera emacerata (Santschi)

Tetraponera emacerata (Santschi)

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Kenya (Sima mocquerysi stirps. emacerata nov., Santschi, 1911c: 352, illustrated, worker; Santschi, 1914b: 70, queen; raised to species Santschi, 1920b: 9, but cited as subspecies again by Santschi, 1933b: 100?; in Tetraponera, Wheeler, 1922: 107; species in Bernard, 1952: 221)
oberbecki (Sima Oberbecki n. sp., Forel, 1911f: 275; queen described by Forel, 1916: 403; worker & queen) from Zaïre, collected at Leopoldville by Kohl
odiosa (Sima Prelli For. v. odiosa n. var.,  Forel, 1916: 403, worker) from Zaïre, collected by Kohl
worker and queen described (see Bolton, 1995) .

Santschi's (1911c) description is at {original description}. Santschi's (1914b) description of the queen is at {original description}. Forel's (1911f) description of oberbecki is at {original description}. Santschi (1928d) gave a review of the species; this is at {original description}.

{Tetraponera emacerata}WORKER - TL 5.0-6.0 mm; with a narrow head (after Wheeler, 1922).

Wheeler (1922) listed a number of findings (as a ssp of mocquerysi) from Kenya, Uganda and from Zaïre.

Forel (1911f) described Sima oberbecki, as a "new species", comparing it to Sima prelli [Tetraponera prelli] Forel (type location Tanzania), as follows -
TL 6 mm; head longer, about a quarter longer than wide, parallel sided; posterior border more strongly impressed (prelli, mocquerysi and anthracina being enlarged in the posterior one-third and with convex sides). Only two ocelli. Eyes occupying two-fifths of the sides of the head, slightly flatter and more elongated. Funiculus segments 3-10 as long as wide, segment 2 longer than wide. Pronotum similar in form, straight sided, but longer than wide. Mesonotum a straight half-moon, but the metanotal groove strongly impressed; More anteriorly, there is a faint transverse line on the metanotum. Petiole with distinct pedicel, about one-third overall node length; otherwise as in prelli but higher and wider anteriorly; postpetiole similar to prelli but with a larger attachment to the gaster.
Colour brown black; mandibles, anterior of head, antennae, frontal lobes, tarsi and joints testaceous.
Specimens from Zaïre, Congo da Lemba, by Mayné.

Forel (1916) noted Kohl found an oberbecki female in the same plant as T. aethiops at Leopoldville; odiosa which he again separated as a variety of prelli, but with an entirely black body and rust-brown appendages, was taken with T. mocquerysi on Barteria fistulosa.

Bernard (1952) noted that, in Guinea, 4 workers were found from N'Zo, Nion and Camp IV (1000 m); the form being widely spread in central and eastern Africa.

Without sight of the emacerata type specimen, it is difficult to be sure but the two Forel forms appear identical to each other and very similar, although darker, to prelli.  The head shape of both differs from the Santschi illustration.

Tetraponera enacerataThe photomontage of the type worker is collated from

Tetraponera emacerata oberbeckiThe photomontage of the type worker of oberbecki is collated from

Tetraponera enacerata odiosaThe photomontage of the type worker of odiosa is collated from

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