Tetraponera mocquerysi (André)
Type location Sierra
Leone (Sima Mocquerysi nov. sp., André, 1890: 319, worker;
in Tetraponera, Wheeler, 1922: 106) collected by Mocquerys - see below
biozellata (Sima
(Sima) mocquerysi And. var. biozellata
nova, Karavaiev, 1931d:
42, illustrated, worker & queen) from Kenya, Naivasha - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
elongata (Sima
mocquerysi Andr., v. elongata
n. v., Stitz, 1911b: 378,
illustrated, worker) from Tanzania, Mehrere, nr Bukoba, vi.1907 - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
lutea (Sima
mocquerysi Andr., v. lutea
n. v., Stitz, 1911b: 381,
illustrated, worker & queen) from Zaïre, Kwidschwi Island,
Lake Kivu, by Schubotz - no images on Antweb (April 2015)
worker and queen described (see
Bolton, 1995) .
NOTE - I have given the much larger Tetraponera
lepida (Wheeler, 1922: 106, worker & queen) a new species
status. It seems likely that the amber yellow form lutea is a separate species.
Wheeler (1922)
listed lepida from Zaïre
(Faradje by Lang & Chapin, plus one from Yakuluku and a female from
Garamba); and the species sensu lato also from Guinea (Kakoulima,
F. Silvestri), Ghana (Chama, H. Brauns), Togo (Bismarckburg,
Conradt), Equatorial Guinea, Congo areas and Ethiopia.
From Guinea, Bernard (1952) reported a queen
from Yanlé and a worker from Camp I of Mount Tô (1500 m).
Forel (1911d) noted differences of Tetraponera
prelli (from
East Africa) as the frontal carinae being less close together than mocquerysi;
the head similar with a straight or little concave posterior border
having; the curve from dorsum to declivity of the propodeum being a
little faster than mocquerysi and petiole node shorter and
higher. The main distinguishing feature of prelli being the
slightly enlarged anterior pronotum.