Tetraponera tenebrosa Santschi
location Zaïre (Tetraponera
ophthalmica Em. v. tenebrosa
n. var., Santschi, 1928d:
61, worker) Lukula, 17.ix.1920, Dr H Schouteden; raised here to full
species (May 2014). .
In 2011, I felt the fresh worker shown below perhaps was
a new species. Now (2014) the Antweb images of tenebrosa
(listed under T. ophthalmica) show it is that species.
Santschi's (1928d: 61)
brief description gave: TL 3.8 mm. Black or blackish-brown; appendages
reddish brown; head and alitrunk reticulate punctate, as the type and
submatt; gaster and postpetiole smooth and shiny; head a little longer,
rest as the type. Belgian Congo, Lukula, 17.ix.1920, Dr H Schouteden.
He did not mention the distinctive pubescence on the postpetiole and
gaster but that can be seen on the high resolution Antweb images,
including on a second specimen from the type collection shown on http://www.antweb.org/specimenImages.do?code=rmcaent000017748
WORKER - TL ca 3.8 mm; HL 0.9 HW 0.56 SL 0.35 EL
0.30; CI 60 SI 67 OI 68
Colour dark brown; pronotum but not rest of alitrunk
petiole margined and without distinct ocelli, characteristic
of former genus Tetraponera members.
Anterior margin of clypeus weakly concave without any dentition;
mandibles dull but not striate. Over shape narrowly elongate; pedicel
segments in profile low and weakly domed, dorsum of petiole narrow and
of postpetiole trapezoidal, anterior about half width of
posterior. Distinctive quite dense layer of decumbent golden
pubescence on the postpetiole and gaster; overall sculpturation of
dense fine spiculation.