(1881a) description is at . Bondroit (1918) gave an
description, this is at . Santschi's (1921e)
illustrated description of the male is at .
Syntypes were examined by Seifert (2003b), who confirmed
this as a good species.
WORKER - TL 2.3-2.5 mm; petiole scale thick, not
narrowing towards the apex; mandibles with 4 large teeth and 7-12
denticles (after Bernard, 1952).
Collingwood (1985), reporting it from Saudi Arabia,
noted that this small yellowish brown species is characterised by the
flat outline of the alitrunk dorsum which has only a very slight
metanotal impression.
Bolton & Fisher's consideration can be found in
They cite it as from Egypt "M Sharaf, pers.comm.".