Contents Contents The Ants of Egypt
SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE - Genera Oxyopomyrmex André

Oxyopomyrmex sabulonis Santschi

Oxyopomyrmex sabulonis Santschi

return to key Type location Tunisia (Oxyopomyrmex Emeryi Sants. stirps sabulonis n. st., Santschi, 1915a: 62, worker; raised to species by Santschi, 1923f: 326; Collingwood, 1985: 246) Mines de Garn, F Santschi - see below
laticeps (Oxyopomyrmex Emeryi Sants. v. laticeps n.v., Santschi, 1915a: 62) from Tunisia, Sousse, Dr Normand - see
rugocciput (Oxyopomyrmex sabulonis Sants. v. rugocciput n. var., Santschi, 1923f: 326) from Tunisia, 12 km from El Batene, F Santschi - see

{Oxyopomyrmex sabulonis}Santschi's (1915a) description, with laticeps is at {original description}. Santschi's (1923f) note, with description of rugocciput is at {original description}. Collingwood's (1985) note is at {original description}.

Egypt records - Sharaf (2006) thesis - erroneously as O. santschii.

{Oxyopomyrmex sabulonisThe photomontage of the type worker is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
