Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) chilon Emery - new
Type location Senegal
solon Forel, var. chilon,
Emery, 1925b: 100 [listing only]; Camponotus maculatus F. r. Solon Forel v. Chilon n. var., Forel,
1901h: 68, major & minor workers & queen) no location, Aeberli coll., also Benin
(Dahomey), Martiensen - see below
Separated here from Camponotus solon as the major being smaller and somewhat darker, the media and minor workers also primarily dark .
Forel's (1901h)
description of is at . Santschi (1937d) gave a key to the
varieties, with a separation from brutus, this is at
Listed (as Camponotus
solon) as a forest species able to live in degraded
zones in Ivory Coast by Lévieux & Louis (1975). They also
reported it as being strictly nocturnal with peak activity around one
hour after sunset (1900 hours).