1 |
Head distinctly
rectangular with most of the sides parallel |
2 |
-- |
Head with convex sides and quite strongly
rounded posterior corners |
3 |
. |
distinctly rectangular |
. |
2 |
TL 2.8-6.5 mm (22
workers found); reddish brown; not as pale as punicus [juvenculus?],
gaster slightly paler than the alitrunk; mandibles, funiculuus, frontal
carinae and anterior clypeus brownish; head with much finer
puncturation than the type fulvus; head with more parallel
sides (cf saharensis); pygidium more strongly impressed than juvenculus
and punicus |
Coast - (impressus) mordax |
-- |
 Major TL 9.0 mm, HW 1.7, HL
2.1, SI 45; castaneous, head palest (anterior margin blackish),
alitrunk and
petiole slightly darker, scapes and funiculi more so; mandible
castaneous with the apex black; shiny; head with minute punctures
anteriorly; alitrunk with larger punctures and a reticulate ground
sculpture; petiole with minute punctures and faintly reticulate,
petiole from above subtruncate anteriorly, posterior angles rounded,
ventral process angular |
. |
. |
. |
. |
West Africa & Congo
Basin - fulvus |
¤ |
Major TL 14 mm; straw
colour with a darker head; mandibles and legs dark brown |
- stramineus |
¤ |
TL 14 mm; red-brown; head with
larger puncturations; major mandible dorsum black, with a single basal
tooth |
Zaire - dentifrons |
-- |
ca 10 mm; frontal carinae markedly projecting forward; scapes very
short SI 30; longitudinal groove on propodeum clearly visible; petiole
sub-rectangular, longer than wide; head smooth and shiny
. |
. |
Africa - oraniensis |
-- |
< TL 12 mm, SI 45; head
distinctly punctate; head mahogany red, alitrunk, scape and legs
paler, gaster amber
. |
. |
Kenya-Sudan-Ethiopia - eurous |
. |
with convex sides and quite strongly rounded posterior corners |
. |
3 |
Major TL < 10 mm |
4 |
-- |
Major TL 11-12 mm |
5 |
4 |
Major TL max 8 mm;
coloured (paler than the type fulvus); head noticeably shorter
than eurous, occiput more feeblyimpressed that the type or badius;
HL ca 1/6 longer than HW, distinctly narrowed posteriorly, with more
rounded angles than the type; petiole node as wide as it is long, with
posterior angles more rounded than the type |
. |
to Zimbabwe - rhodesiae |
5 |
Major head relatively
short and with weakly concave or bowed sides |
6 |
-- |
head relatively longer with straighter sides |
. |
TL (punicus)
ca 2.0-10 mm; smooth and shiny, the
head an elongated rectangle, the gaster short; the alitrunk dorsum
flattened and the legs short; |
North Africa to
Israel - juvenculus
6 |
Major TL 13 mm; HW 2.8 HL 3.2;
base colour anterior dark castaneous red, progressively lightening,
gaster dark brownish-yellow; almost all very shiny; head sparsely
punctured with minute shallow punctures; petiole node sub-quadrate, as
long as it is wide, all the angles strongly rounded, with a triangular
ventral process |
Africa - badius
-- |
TL 5-13 mm; head, alitrunk,
petiole and legs rich chestnut brown, gaster brownish yellow, mandibles
and antennae near black; smallest morphs more uniformly brownish
yellow; alitrunk with no more than fine sculpturation |
. |
. |
Congo Basin - obscurior |