Emery's (1899e)
description is at .
Raignier & van Boven (1955, p 26) cite the original
descriptions by Emery (1899e) and Santschi (1912b). Emery compared the
specimen with arcens - head entirely matt and narrowed to the
rear as arcens; posterior corners more pointed; petiole
strongly resembling that of wilverthi narrower and more
elongated. Santschi noted the sjoestedti funiculus had the
penultimate segment three times as long as wide and twice the previous
segment; but Raignier & van Boven found this incorrect with the
segment no more than twice as long as wide, and often less.
At Yangambi, Raignier & van Boven (1955, p 72-74)
made seven collections of sjoestedti, totalling 195 specimens.
Their descriptive notes give -
TL range ca 13-3.6 mm; overall colour red-brown to red-black; major
with head matt, sometimes shiny posteriorly; CI 100 or slightly more;
posterior with sharp prominent angles; petiole with small
posteroventral angles (not consistently so).
Wheeler (1922) listed other findings from Cameroun
(Yukuduma, by Funck; Grand Batanga and Lolodorf by G. Schwab); and Congo
(at Samkita, by F. Faure).