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The photomontages are of specimens from Uganda,
Kalinzu Forest, 0°23'22.7" S, 30°5'33.3" E, III-136, 23.xi.2002;
collector S Uehara.
new description - Uganda specimens
Overall - shiny matt head and gaster dark chestnut, head with very dark
anterior margin; alitrunk, legs and funiculi lighter to
chestnut-orange, light apical bands on gaster
TL 11.1-11.8 HW 2.75 HL 2.55 HD 2.0 CI xx SL 1.75 SI xx AL 3.75 PW 0.8
PetL 1.0 GL 3.7 MFL 2.5
Head - trapezoidal, widest in anterior quarter; sides tapering
throughout posterior two-thirds to about half maximum width; posterior
margin quite deep, angles sharp; sculpturation finely and entirely
spiculate, near matte, no hair pits; median line distinct, slightly
raised on occiput; clypeal margin near straight, with fine long median
hair and flanking medium fine hairs; mandibles long, slender and sharp,
basal tooth triangular and large; scape near straight only slightly out
curved, slender; funiculus long and slender, with short pilosity; head
profile quite bulbous, venter less convex than dorsum; hairs none, no
Alitrunk - moderately domed with shallow "saddle", below pronotum
level; spiracle subcircular; propodeum smooth flat curve to short
sub-vertical declivity; metapleural gland with upper flange distinctly
longer than lower; sculpturation as head micropilosity on entire dorsum.
Petiole - anterior 1/4 45° slope, dorsum flat, posterior subvertical,
small posteroventral protrusions but these are visible from above;
dorsal face widening 75% from front to back with processes visible;
spiracles small but protruding in dorsal view; sculpturation as
alitrunk; no hairs on posterodorsal margin.
Gaster - quite shiny; only minor waisting; a few fine hairs on dorsal
margins, numerous all over ventrally, long and coarse on basal segment.
Legs - coxae quite slender at base; femora long and slender; matte with
quite dense fine pilosity; tibiae long, slender, dense fine pilosity;
tarsi long, slender, dense fine pilosity, slender claws.