Dorylus (Dorylus) spininodis Emery
Type location Cameroun
(Dorylus (Dorylus) spininodis
n. sp., Emery, 1901c: 194, illustrated, worker) collected by Conradt -
see below
subspecies longiceps (Dorylus
(s. str.) spininodis Em. subsp. n. longiceps, Viehmeyer, 1914c:26,
worker, illustrated)
from Tanzania - see below (probably a separate species)
variety punctus (D. (D.)
spinodis Em. stirps longiceps
Stitz [actually Viehmeyer] v punctus
n. var, Santschi, 1933b:
97, worker) from Zaïre - see
(a minor worker)
worker only known (see Bolton, 1995) .
(1901c) description (comparison is with politus)
is at . Viehmeyer's (1914c) description of longiceps
is at .
Wheeler (1922) lists findings from Cameroun (Victoria,
F. Silvestri), Nigeria (Benin and Olokemeji, F. Silvestri), Congo
and Uganda.
The photomontage is
of a type major worker collated from
The photomontage is
of a type (minima or small media) worker collated from
(1840b) description of Typhlopone shuckardi shows a
close, if not identical form to spininodis. The subpetiolar
spine as shown is more posterior but the drawing is a little primitive.
The TL 5 lines = 10.5 mm; this is bigger than Emery's largest specimen,
at TL 6.5 mm; the Gabon specimen shown below, however, also is larger,
with TL ca 8.2 mm. If it could be confirmed as a match, this would
become the senior name, with spininodis, as a junior synonym.
Nigeria specimen (as Dorylus (Dorylus)
species B, Taylor, 1980b: 17). WORKER. TL 7.0-3.5 mm. At least four
morphs; largest HL 1.93, HW 1.59, SL 0.62, PW 1.00
Colour red-brown apices darker, legs yellow-brown. Sculpturation of
minute scattered hair-pits; reticulation on lateral alitrunk,
especially mesonotum, and lateral petiole. Erect hairs sparse but
present on petiole as well as gaster; pilosity very sparse and very
short. Head near parallel-sided. Mandibles with three blunt teeth.
Anterior clypeal margin tridentate, one medial and one forward of each
antennal insertion. Frontal carinae with highly raised medial portion
to form a near-rectangular platform. Alitrunk flat dorsally.
Subpetiolar process a long, rear-curved, narrow, blunt triangle.
I found it nesting and foraging in dead wood on the ground at the Cocoa
Research Institute of Nigeria, Idi Ayunre.
Oxford University Museum
Dorylus (Dorylus) spininodis
B Taylor det.
Maité Ikaran
00°34' N
09°19' E
in nest of sea
turtle, Dermochelya coriacea
photomontage is of a major worker from Gabon,
Estuaire, Pongara National Park, 20.ii.2006; in nest of sea turtle, Dermochelya
coriacea; collector Maité Ikaran; ex Yves Braet.
TL ca 8.2 ca, HW
1.7 HL 2.0. Matches exactly the type major above.
photomontage is of a media worker from Gabon, as above.
Santschi (1933b)
describing D. (D.) spinodis Em.
st. longiceps Stitz {actually Viehmeyer] v punctus n.
var. had -
Worker - head elongated as with politus and longiceps
with the colour clearer than the latter. It differs from spininodis
and longiceps by the spine of the subpetiolar lamina reduced to
a simple tooth, as in politus. It differs from the latter by
having stronger and more dense puncturation, more dense even than spininodis.
On the vertex the puncturations are separated by about three times
their diameter; in the media and minor workers each puncture has a
fine, erect hair inserted, more visible than in politus and spininodis.
Zaïre, Kasaï, Makumbi, 28.x.1921, by Dr H. Schouteden.
From Guinea, 10 minor workers of ssp "longiceps
var punctus" were collected from the savanna location of
Kéoulenta (27.iii.1942, Lamotte) (Bernard, 1952)
This photomontage
of a cotype of longiceps is
collated from The Smithsonian Institute images at
The photomontage
of a type major worker of punctus collated from