Ecphorella wellmani (Forel)
Type location Angola
(Tapinoma (Ecphorella) Wellmani n. sp., Forel, 1909b: 66, not
illustrated, worker; in genus by Shattuck, 1992c: 83) .
- TL 1.8 mm; mandibles short, robust, smooth, puncturate, with about 7
teeth. Clypeus depressed, anterior border widely biscalloped or
bisinuous; medially feebly convex; without carinae; anterior third a
triangular plate. Whole of head flattened, trapezoidal, enlarged and
indented posteriorly; narrowed anteriorly; sides mildly convex. Eyes
medium, set in middle of sides. Scape reaching posterior seventh of
head; antenna 12-segmented and slender; apical segment strongly
narrowed, a little longer than wide; all other segments, save the
first, more slender than long, middle two twice as slender as long.
Thorax short and slender; sutures distinct; promesonotum mildly convex,
as wide as long; pronotum two and a half times wider than long.
Metanotal groove distinct but shallow, with two spiracles raised in
profile. Propodeal dorsum slightly convex, near horizontal, enlarged
posteriorly, slightly wider than long, with a rounded angle or obtuse
tubercle on the lateral posterior border; declivity near vertical, a
little shorter than the dorsum, from which it curves. Petiole scale
low, strongly inclined anterior face, narrow, obtuse and rounded
summit. Legs short, femora and tibiae slender.
Smooth and shiny, with sparse, fine, piligerous punctures and some
faint vestiges of reticulation. Body with fine sparse yellowish
pubescence, slightly more abundant on appendages. Erect hairs no more
than a few on the gaster.
Colour dark brown; appendages clear brown.
Holotype worker only seen; collected in Benguela, by Creighton Wellman.
The photomontage of the holotype is collated from the site at