The Ants of Africa
Genus Pheidole
Pheidole rotundata Forel

crassinoda group - major with cordiform (heart-shaped) head - Arnold (1920a) group H

Pheidole rotundata Forel

return to key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Mozambique (Pheidole rotundata n. sp., Forel, 1894b: 92, major & minor, from Delagoa, Dr Liengme - see below; Arnold, 1920a: 426, male and illustrated notes; Santschi, 1932a: 384, queen); note Emery, 1915j: 236, regarded it as a subspecies of megacephala but Arnold (1920a) had it as a full species and it clearly differs, amongst other facts being much larger, from megacephala
junior synonym ilgi (Pheidole rotundata Forel, subsp. Ilgi n. subsp., Forel, 1907g: 82, major & minor; Forel, 1907c: 139, queen & male; new synonymy here) from Ethiopia, Harar, collectors Ilg & Ratgeber, also from Pemba Is, Dr Voeltzkow; which was placed as a subspecies of megacephala by Emery (1915j: 236) is as originally described a subspecies (or junior synonym) of rotundata
all forms described (see Bolton, 1995) .

{Pheidole megacephala rotundata}Forel's (1894b) description is at {original description}. Forel's (1907g) description of the ilgi workers is at {original description}. Forel's (1907c) description of the ilgii queen and male is at {original description}. Arnold's (1920a) translation of rotundata is at {original description}. Under megacephala ilgii, Arnold (1920a) noted the head of the rotundata major is widest in posterior fourth. Santschi's (1932a) description of the queen is at {original description}.

In a footnote to his description of Pheidole aurivilli, Mayr (1896: 238) wrote:
"I was able to restudy the original specimen of Pheidole punctulata, which I described in the year 1866, due to the friendly willingness of Mr. Professor Chr. Aurivillius, with the conclusion that Professor Forel was right as rain to recognize this form as a variety of Pheidole megacephala Fabr. (In contrast) I do not agree with Forel’s opinion, that Pheidole rotundata Forel might be just an extreme form of Pheidole punctulata, because the rounded-quadratic head, the hind frontal carinae strongly directed outwards, the strongly curved forehead and the strongly curved posterior part of the mesonotum down-sloping nearly vertical in front of the meso-metanotal suture are opposite to his opinion."
[Translation by Marcus Stuben].

Note: The type images below (botttom of the page) of ilgi are closely similar to the rotundata types. The ilgi major is slightly smaller but the minor is marginally larger. The fresh workers from South Africa show the colour of iIgi.

Pheidole rotundata majorThe photomontage of the type major worker is collated from

{Pheidole rotundata minor}The photomontage of the type minor worker is collated from

{Pheidole rotundata queen}The photomontage of the type queen is collated from

{Pheidole rotundata male}The photomontage of the type male is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Pheidole rotundata
B Taylor det.

South Africa
Peter Hlavác

In collection of Peter Hlavác 1
Pheidole rotundata
B Taylor det.
J Mathews
JM 340
12°56' N
30°35' E
Rahad Research Area
pyrethrum fogging of Acacia senegal
in semi-natural forest


{Pheidole rotundata major}The photomontage is of a major worker collected from South Africa, Pretoria, Peter Hlavác. 

{Pheidole rotundata minor}The photomontage is of a minor worker collected from South Africa, Pretoria, Peter Hlavác.

Pheidole saxicola minorThe photomontage is of a worker from Sudan, collected by J Mathews, by pyrethrum fogging of Acacia senegal; Rahad Research Area - 12°56' N 30°35' E; 2.x.2001; semi-natural forest, JM 340, 1 minor worker.

{Pheidole rotundata queen}The photomontage of a type queen is collated from

Pheidole rotundata ilgi majorThe photomontage of the ilgi type major worker is collated from

{Pheidole rotundata ilg minor}The photomontage of the ilgi type minor worker is collated from

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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
