Tetramorium punicum (F Smith)
Iran list Type location Israel
(Myrmica punicum, F Smith, 1861a: 34, worker; Finzi, 1936: 182,
male; raised to species Dalla Torre, 1893: 134 [name only]; see
Collingwood, 1978: 71).
Subspecies cyrenaicum (Tetramorium caespitum punicum F.
Smith var. cyrenaicum n.,
Emery, 1924a: 10, all forms; as Tetramorium
punicum var cyrenaicum,
first available use, Menozzi, 1927g: 379; name and record only) from Libya, Cyrenaica, Takra, Silvestri.
F Smith's (1861a) description is at . Finzi's (1936) description of the male is
at .
Emery's (1924a) description of cyrenaicum is at .
Egypt records - Wheeler & Mann (1916) from Mt
Sinai, Sinai; Alfieri (1931) Fayoum Province, Manchiet El Fayoum,
24.x.1925; Finzi (1936).
Note: Type specimen apparently not located in BMNH by
Antweb team.
photomontage of a type worker of cyrenaicum
is collated from http://www.antweb.org/specimen.do?name=0904826.
Oxford University Museum
Tetramorium ? punicum
B Taylor det. |
S Moradloo
Ghaliche Bolagh
2157 m 32°C
photomontage is
of a worker from Iran, collector S Moradloo (19).
the size matches Smith's TL of ca 1.5 lines = ca.
3.2 mm. He gave the colour as pale red, legs and antennae palest.
The delicate longitudinal striation on the head also is similar but
this lacks striations on the mandibles. Smith, however, gave the
metanotal groove as "deeply impressed", whereas it is a shallow
depression here. The weak sculpturation on the head and near smooth
dorsum of the alitrunk and pedicel set it apart from the similarly
coloured Tetramorium caespitum flavidulum
from southern Turkey.
Compared with the Emery cyrenaica, above, this
is similar in overall dimensions but, obviously, that is darker. Other
differences are the striate mandibles of the latter and that has
somewhat narrower postpetiole. Emery made comparison with Tetramorium sahlbergi from
Egypt. Geographically, that comes from between the western cyrenaica and the eastern punicum.