The Ants of Africa
Genus Tetramorium
Tetramorium tabarum Bolton

Tetramorium tabarum Bolton

return to group key {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Zaïre (Bolton, 1980: 236, illustrated, alitrunk profile; holotype worker) Epulu, J.C. Bradley, 4.i.1949 .

{Tetramorium tabarum}Bolton's description (1980) is at {original description}.

WORKER - TL 2.8 mm; colour most of body bright orange-brown, gaster much darker, blackish brown and contrasting with rest; all dorsal surfaces with numerous erect fine hairs, some very long; see also Tetramorium capillosum (Bolton, 1980).

{Tetramorium tabarum} The photomontage is of a worker from Cameroun; collated from

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