Contents Miscellaneous ants - Iran
SUBFAMILY MYRMICINAE - Genus Aphaenogaster
Aphaenogaster holtzi (Emery)

Aphaenogaster (Aphaenogaster) holtzi (Emery)

return to listIran list {link to the Hymenoptera Name Server} Type location Turkey (Stenamma (Aphaenogaster) subterraneum Latr. subsp. holtzi n. subsp., Emery, 1898c: 139; raised to species, Aphaenogaster holtzi, Emery, 1908c : 310, in key) Mersina in Kleinasien (Asia Minor), Martin Holtz

References: Emery, C. 1898c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaearktischen Ameisen. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar, 20, 124-151.
Emery, C. 1908e. Beiträge zur Monographie der Formiciden des paläarktischen Faunengebietes. (Hym.) Teil III. Deutsche Entomol. Zeitschr. 1908, 437-465.

Emery's (1898c) description is at {original description} Emery's (1908c) key separation is at {original description}

{Aphaenogaster holtzi} The photomontage of a worker from the type collection is collated from

Oxford University Museum specimens

Aphaenogaster holtzi
B Taylor det.
S Moradloo
Gholi Kandi
1911 m 27°C
Forest, on trees

{Aphaenogaster holtzi} The photomontage is of a worker from Iran, collector Shabnam Moradloo (12). 

© 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 - Brian Taylor CBiol FRSB FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
