The Ants of Africa
Distribution Card
Species 1 Author 2 Year 3 Country 4 Location Collector Information 5
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Emery 1892d Ivory Coast Assinie C Alluaud new species, queen; vii-viii-1886
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Emery 1899e Cameroun   L Conradt 2workers & 1 queen
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Emery 1899e Zaire R Kuilu Staudinger & Bang-Haas 1 worker
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Stitz 1910x Cameroun Mundame L Conradt workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Stitz 1910x Eq. Guinea Alen, Uelleburg Tessmann workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Stitz 1910x Fernando Po   L Conradt 2 workers
Atopomyrmex crypteroceroides Forel 1913b Zaire Kasai, Kondue E Luja workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Santschi 1914d Guinea Kakulima, Mamou, Kindia F Silvestri 9 workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Santschi 1914d Nigeria Ibadan F Silvestri 8 workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Forel 1915c Zaire St Gabriel, nr Stanleyville & Bengemiza H Kohl workers, in adry branch
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Stitz 1916x Congo Fort Possel-Fort Crampel Schubotz 15 workers; xi.1910
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Arnold 1916x SA Zululand I Tragardh workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Forel 1916x Zaire Lumbulumbu H Kohl workers, on a tree trunk
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Arnold 1916x Zimbabwe Sipopoma, Malindi, Victoria Falls G Arnold workers; nesting in hollow trees
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Wheeler 1922x Zaire Malela, Elisabethville J Bequaert workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Bernard 1952x Guinea Mt Nimba, Yalanzou Lamotte several workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Bolton 1981b Ghana 9 locations G S Cotterell; A H Strickland; D Leston workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Bolton 1981b Zaire Ituri, Beni T H E Jackson workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Taylor 2005w Cameroun Edea-Campo D McKey project range of worker sizes
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Taylor 2005w Ivory Coast ? "Discover Life" worker
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides Taylor 2005w Gabon Woleu-Ntem B L Fisher minor worker; from a rotten log, 10.ii.1998
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides curvispina Forel 1911c Zaire Kondue, Kassai E Luja new variety, workers
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides deplanatus Mayr 1895x Sierra Leone Chutes de Samlia, R N'Gami   new variety, small worker
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides melanoticus Wheeler 1922x Zaire Lukolela-Basoko Lang & Chapin new variety, worker
Atopomyrmex cryptoceroides melanoticus Menozzi 1942c Eq. Guinea Rio Benito   several workers

© 2006 - Brian Taylor CBiol FIBiol FRES
11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
