Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) braunsi Mayr
Type location Mozambique
(Camponotus Braunsi nov.
spec., Mayr, 1895: 191, worker; Mayr, 1901b: 28, footnote, queen;
1924: 715, major worker, illustrated; also East Africa) Delagoa Bay, Dr
Brauns - no images on Antweb (September 2014)
candidus (Camponotus
(Myrmisolepis) braunsi Mayr var. candidus n. var., Santschi, 1926c:
618, worker) from Uganda (wrongly given as Tanzania in Bolton,
1995), My Ruwenzori, 2000 m, Dr Bequaert - see
epinotalis (Camponotus
(Orthonotomyrmex) epinotalis n. sp., Santschi, 1916b: 508,
major & minor workers; reduced to
variety, Emery, 1925b: 134, as Camponotus
(Myrmisolepis) braunsi Mayr stirps erythromelus Em. var. epinotalis Sants., Santschi, 1926c:
618) from Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls, G Arnold - see below
major & minor workers and queen only known (see Bolton, 1995) .
Note - with
fresh specimens of both I have revived the status of Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) erythromelus
Mayr's (1895)
description of the worker is at ; his (1901b) description
of a larger
worker and the queen is at . Santschi (1914b) gave a further
description, this is at . Santschi's (1916b)
description of epinotalis is at . Arnold (1924: 710, 715)
provided a
translation of Mayr's papers, notes on the major worker and an
these are at . Similarly, Arnold
(1924: 710, 716) gave notes on epinotalis; these are at . Santschi's (1926c)
description of candidus is at .
The photomontage is of
a queen from Tanzania,
Mkomazi Game Reserve, Ibaya Camp; collector G C McGavin ( OUMNH
This matches the queen shown at and labelled "Camponotus Braunsi" by Santschi; with a second label as "Camp. Braunsi Mayr st. erythromelus v. transitoria
queen" from Tanzania, south-east, collectors Alluaud & Jeannel,
April 1912; New Moschi (Moshi). The location is close to Mkomazi.