The Ants of Africa
Genus Camponotus subgenus Tanaemyrmex

Camponotus maculatus varieties - provisional key 2010
Camponotus maculatus introduction

Provisional key to collate and separate similar so-called varieties and races

. A = type form group with pale blotches on dark gaster A
. B = melanocnemis-group gaster black with small antero-lateral blotches on gaster B
. C = group with entirely black gaster C
. D = group with pale non-blotched gaster D
Type form group with pale blotches on dark gaster .
cluisoides (Camponotus maculatus F. var cluisoides n. var., Forel, 1913h: 354, Major & Minor)

Photomontage derived from images at - originals by Gary Alpert, Harvard University; Kenya specimens.
These specimens are noticeably smaller than the type and are more contrasting black and yellow in the major, with a pallid minor (the scales on the Alpert major seem erroneous).

Also confusing is the labelling, his website now (2008) has this as C. maculatus ugandensis, without a collection label

{Camponotus maculatus ? cluisoides}Forel's (1913h) description is at {original description}. TL 11.5-15.5 mm; major HL 4.4 HW 4.3; major head strongly enlarged and impressed behind (more than with cluis); base colour black, tibiae and metatarsis dark brown, funiculi and tarsi reddish brown, other light areas yellow, gaster with long lateral patches (as in the type). Kenya

{Camponotus maculatus ? cluisoides minor}
hieroglyphicus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. hieroglyphicus n. st., Santschi, 1917b: 290, Major, Minor & queen) Camponotus hieroglyphicus majorSantschi's (1917b) description is at {original description}. Major TL 11.5 mm, HL (with mandibles) 3.5 HW HW 2.5; base colour black but some dark areas, including the mandibles dark brown red; funiculus and part of tibiae reddish, other light areas yellowish; light patches on gaster sharply defined occupying about the borders of the first three segments; gaster shiny, rest of head and body matt, densely reticulo-punctate. Benguela, collector J Cruchet.
Collated from
Camponotus hieroglyphicus minor

conakryensis (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. var. conakryensis n., Emery, 1920c: 13, Major & Minor) Camponotus conakryensis  minorEmery's (1920c) description is at {original description}. Major TL 14 mm, head 4 X 3.8 SL 3.4; body black, a little less opaque than var. lohieri; first segment of gaster totally yellow below, above with an irregularly triangular black area; pronotum and mesonotum brown; tibia brown. Emery considered the type maculatus was intermediate between lohieri and conakryensis.
Collated from
erythraea (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. var. erythraea n., Emery, 1920c: 14, Major) Emery's (1920c) description is at {original description}. Santschi (1935b) had {original description} from Kenya. TL 15 mm; colouration as conakryensis but with almost whole of alitrunk dorsum black; head wholly opaque with positions of ocelli distinct. Minor with much narrower head than type maculatus; colouration as in C. aegyptiacus. Asmara, collector Silvestri.
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liocnemis (Camponotus maculatus liocnemis n. subsp., Emery, 1905d, footnote, Major & Minor; Santschi, 1914e: 38, queen & male, named only) {C. maculatus liocnemis gaster}Emery's (1905d) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1922: 625) gave a translation, this is at {original description}. Smaller than the type form, Major TL 10.5 mm, with a smaller head, 3.2 X 2.8; colouration more contrasting yellow and black. Cape and Transvaal. Specimens were the "Camponotus maculatus" of Emery (1895h: 46), where it was noted - "In general the yellow patches of the gaster are less marked in this southern Africa form than on those of Egypt and Arabia". South Africa
liocnemis major {C. maculatus liocnemis major}Collated from
liocnemis minor {C. maculatus liocnemis minor} .
lividior (Camponotus maculatus v. lividior n. var., Santschi, 1911e; 128, all forms) Santschi's (1911e) description is at {original description}. Similar to the type form but minors with the base colour dull greyish yellow. Collector Pobequin, 1899.
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Comoro Is
tuckeri (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. var. tuckeri nov., Santschi, 1932a: 391, major, minor & male) Camponotus maculatus tuckeri majorSantschi's (1932a) description is at {original description}. Major TL 13 mm; colour as in the type but with larger patches on the gaster, confluent as a V on the first tergite; base colour black, except funiculi, small tarsi, edges of pronotum, mesosternum, metasternum and genae rust. Underside of head with a few hairs. Head longer as with Camponotus aegyptiacus but narrower anteriorly.
Collated from
. {Camponotus tuckeri} .
calceatus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. radamoides For. var. calceatus n.v., Santschi, 1930b: 76, major & minor) {Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) macualts calceatus}Santschi's (1930b) description is at {original description} Major TL 13 mm, almost entirely black or blackish with some yellow-ochre areas; minor TL 8 mm, mostly reddish-brown or darker. Santschi's placement is strange as radamoides has a totally dark gaster.

Camponotus maculatus calceatus minorCollated from

cataractae (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. radamoides For. var. cataractae n.v., Santschi, 1919b: 239, major & minor) Camponotus maculatus cataractae majorSantschi's (1919b) description is at {original description}
Majors TL 11-12 mm, head black, dorsum of alitrunk and base colour of gaster brownish-black; minors 9 mm, entirely reddish, except for dull patches on the gaster. Victoria Falls, G Arnold.
Collated from
Camponotus maculatus cataractae minor

citinus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. radamoides For. var. citinus n.v., Santschi, 1930b: 77, Major & Minor; see Bolton, 1995) {C. maculatus citinus}Santschi's (1930b) description is at {original description}
Major TL 13-14 mm; brighter reddish-yellow than liocnemis and calceatus; minor TL 8 mm; Santschi (1935) noted that in citrinus, probably the correct spelling of what elsewhere is given as citinus, the spots on the gaster are small as in hieroglyphicus Santschi from Benguela, but the latter race is smaller, with the head less impressed posteriorly. Uere Bili

Camponotus maculatus citinus majorCollated from
Camponotus maculatus citinus minor

contaminatus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. manzer For. var. contaminatus n.var., Santschi, 1917b: 291, major & minor) Camponotus maculatus contaminatus majorSantschi's (1917b) description is at {original description} Size range TL 8-15 mm; major head black with posterior angles reddish, almost all the rest brownish black or darker; gaster black with a yellow apical band and lateral yellow areas on the first two segments; minor yellow, gaster with three longitudinal brownish black bands (intermediate between liengmei and melanocnemis). Matopo Hill, G Arnold.
Collated from
Camponotus maculatus contaminatus minor

diffusus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st.. radamoides For. var. diffusus n.v., Santschi, 1917b: 292, major & minor) Camponotus maculatus diffususSantschi's (1917b) description is at {original description} Major TL 13-13.6 mm, bigger than madecassa; head brownish-red with posterior angles yellowish-red, yellow patches on gaster greater than the black areas. Minor TL 8 mm, yellow with a longitudinal band on the gaster which becomes less distinct in smaller workers. Matopo Hill, G Arnold.
Collated from
Zimbabwe and Natal, South Africa
Camponotus maculatus diffusus minor

incommoda (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. r. thoracicus Forel v. incommoda, n. var. Forel, 1914d: 250, major & minor) Forel's (1914d) description is at {original description} TL 9.9-14.5 mm; similar to variety minor from Algeria (Forel, 1909e: 389, worker, queen & male {original description}); but body much shinier. From Cape Province. Camponotus thoracicus is purely North African in distribution.
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South Africa
thomensis (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus Fab. v. thomensis n.var., Santschi, 1920i: 3, major, minor & male) Camponotus maculatus thomensisSantschi's (1920i) description is at {original description}. Major TL 9.5 mm, characterized by the smallness of the lateral patches on the gaster. Collector de Seabra.
Collated from
São Tomé I.
Camponotus maculatus thomensis minor

zumpti (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. v. zumpti n.v., Santschi, 1937b: 103, worker) Camponotus maculatus zumptiSantschi's (1937b) description of zumpti is at {original description}. Major TL 14 mm; HL 3.8-3.9 HW 3.6-3.8; scape slightly surpasses the occiput; overall colour and light patches as with lohieri, also more shiny. From Missellele.
Collated from
Camponotus maculatus zumpti minor

B melanocnemis-group gaster black and only small antero-lateral blotches .
flavifemur (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. v. flavifemur n.v., Santschi, 1937g: 84, worker & queen) Camponotus flavifemur majorSantschi's (1937g) description is at {original description}. Worker similar to lohieri (major TL 14 mm) and zumpti Sant. but with the femora and tibiae pale yellow contrasting with the red ochre or ferruginous mesopleurosternum and metasternum (as in the other varieties); tibia with brown black aguillons passing into ferruginous in the distal third. Lake Victoria, Mwanza (Mwanga).
Collated from
flavominor (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. melanocnemis Sants. v flavominor n.v., Santschi, 1920i: 4, major & minor; name in Emery, 1925b: 87, major & minor) Camponotus maculatus flavominorSantschi's (1920i) description is at {original description}. Size and colour as lohieri (major TL 14 mm) but differs from melanocnemis, lohieri and thomensis by the yellow colour of the head and appendages (brown in the others); major propodeum profile almost rectilinear (weakly convex in lohieri). Upper Dahomey, Kouandé, collector Desanti.
Collated from
Camponotus maculatus flavominor minor

lohieri (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus Fab. st. melanocnemis Sants. v. lohieri n. var. Santschi, 1913c: 313; as variety of maculatus, Emery, 1915g: 22, worker) {lohieri gaster} {C. maculatus lohieri fron}Santschi's (1913c) description as a variety of melanocnemis was - "Worker - head more matt especially towards the posterior angles, and the gaster with a yellow ochre patch on the side of the second segment plus three patches at the base of the first segment, otherwise the gaster is entirely black, as with melanocnemis", from Ivory Coast, Jacqueville, coll R P J H Lohier.
Allowing for the common variation in colour pattern in the West African specimens, I feel this may be a simple junior synonym of the type maculatus
Collated from
Ivory Coast
. {Camponotus lohieri} .
Camponotus lohieri minor
manzer (Camponotus maculatus subsp. manzer n. subsp., Forel, 1910e: 452, major) Camponotus manzerForel's (1910e) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1922: 625) gave a translation, this is at {original description}. Major TL 13 mm, head near trapeziform, as lohieri, with sides slightly less convex than the type maculatus; scapes longer, supassing occiput by about two-fifths of their own length; alitrunk less convex, petiole scale strongly biconvex; lateral light patches on first and second gaster segments confluent and none on the more posterior segments. Victoria Falls, collector Wroughton.

Camponotus manzer minorMinor

melanocnemis (H. Pobeguin, in Santschi, 1911c: 368, soldier; Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. stirps melanocnemis , Santschi, Santschi, 1915c: 278, worker: raised to subspecies by Forel, 1915, with its junior synonym schultzei, Forel, 1912j: 179, major, minor & male) {Camp. maculatus melanocnemis} Santschi (1911c) had the major as - differing from the type (maculatus) by the darker colour of the gaster patches, which are brownish-black; sometimes the gaster is entirely black, the tibiae brown-black; the sculpture is slightly shinier on the posterior angles of the head; the dorsum of the propodeum is slightly longer.
Santschi (1915c) described melanocnemis - this race is very close to the type in general form. The head is a little larger and the frontal carinae slightly further apart, The thorax profile is as arcuate, but somewhat more robust and the propodeum is larger. The posterior tibiae are longer, more than 4 mm. The sculpture is as matt as the type on the head and thorax, but the sides of those parts are generally more shiny. The brown-red pilosity is translucent on the head, otherwise as the type. The overall colour is always darker; with the posterior edges of the thorax and gaster, except for the patches, black or nearly so, although the narrow yellow border persists as in the type; yellow ochre parts of legs are less extended, the tibiae and tarsi are more or less brown black. The patches on the gaster are much more reduced, sometimes absent, The male is black leading to the conclusion that this is a sub-species - in the type the male is yellow with brown patches.
The minor has the head black or dark brown-red; the gaster is black, sometimes basally spotted; the tibiae and dorsal thorax are darker but sometimes ochre in the smallest workers. Head slightly longer than the type and slightly wider anteriorly, with sides straight forward of the eyes and less convex behind, with a distinct occipital border. Thorax profile less convex than type and than in desantii. Petiole scale lower. Specimens from Zaïre - Oubangi, by Rev. P. Augustin; also from Congo, Grand Lahou, by H. Pobéguin. Santschi (1915c) also notes on lohieri (above) as a variety with the patches rather clearer and more apparent, but smaller; except for the base and upper part of the first gastral segment with is more or less yellow ochre, the sculpture is less shiny. Specimens from Ivory Coast, Jacqueville by Lohier; types from Benin, Upper Dahomey, Kouandé, by Desanti; also from Saõ Thomé, by Gravier; and Senegal, by Gaulle.
Santschi's (1915c) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1922) gave a translation/description which is at {original description}. Forel's (1911j) description of schultzei is at {original description}.
Uganda (schultzei)
Major worker
{Camponotus maculatus melanocnemis minor}
schereri (Camponotus maculatus F., subsp. Schereri n. subsp., Forel, 1911e: 289, worker & queen) Forel's (1911e) description of schereri is at {original description}. Major TL 12-13.5 mm. Hindleg black; gaster with well marked small yellow flecks; head wider than type. Santschi (1915c) also described schereri as - differs from melanocnemis by having more matt sculpture on the sides of the thorax and head. The thorax profile is less convex; and petiole scale less convex in front. Erect hairs a little more abundant on the body, but colour the same. Sometimes the angles of the head are slightly rust coloured, also seen in lohieri. The posterior tibiae are ca. 4 mm, with well developed denticles. Specimens from Liberia, the types of Scherer, from Nebena; southern Nigeria, Olokomeji, by Silvestri; and, Guinea, Kakoulima, by Silvestri.
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Minor worker
Camponotus schereri minor

georgei (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. arnoldius For. var. Georgei n. v., Santschi, 1923e: 290, illustrated, major & minor) {Camponotus maculatus georgei} Santschi's (1923e) description is at {original description} Major TL 15 mm; colour as melanocnemis but without a light patch at the base of the gaster and with a little reddish patch on each side of the first two segments; minor not described. Bulawayo, G Arnold, 1 damaged specimen. Zimbabwe
Camponotus maculatus georgeiCollated from
C group with an entirely black gaster .
atramentarius (Camponotus maculatus F. var. atramentarius, Forel, 1904b: 379, worker; Forel, 1910f: 26, queen) Camponotuas atramentariusForel's (1904b) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1922: 625) gave a translation, this is at {original description}.

"Identical to the type form, but almost entirely black; except the funiculi, base of the tarsi and a narrow band on the gaster segments, plus sometimes the sides of alitrunk partially dark yellow brown. A little more shiny than the type, recalls melanoticus and substitutus. Transition to the type is by all the varieties of colour. Tibiae not setose"; from Ethiopia, collector Dimitriev".

No type images on Antweb (October 2014).

Ethiopia & South Africa
ballioni (Camponotus maculatus F. r. ballioni n. st., Forel, 1904d: 176, worker & queen) {C. maculatus ballioni frons}Forel's (1904d) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1922: 632) gave a note, this is at {original description}. TL 7.3-13 mm; "Only a darker variety of the true; gaster entirely black"
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South Africa
cluis (Camponotus maculatus F. subsp. atramentarius Forel, v. cluis n.var., Forel, 1909b: 67, worker) Camponotus cluis minorForel's (1909b) description is at {original description}. Workers TL 9-14 mm; colour exactly as with the atramentarius type; entirely black, with appendages reddish and six small whitish patches on the sides of the gaster
Collated from
cognatus (Formica cognata, Smith, F., 1858b: 35, major & minor; Mayr, 1862: 655, queen & male) Camponotus cognatus majorSmith's (1858b) description is at {original description}. "Extremely like F. maculata, which it may be; the antennae and head as in that species; the legs entirely ferruginous; the gaster entirely black"; TL 11.65 mm; Port Natal. Minor head narrowed slightly behind the eyes, gaster entirely black, legs red.
Collated from
South Africa
intonsus (C. maculatus intonsus n. subsp., Emery 1905d: 29, footnote, Major & Minor) Camponotus maculatus intonsus majorEmery's (1905d) description is on {original description}. Arnold (1922: 632) gave a translation, this is at {original description}. Major TL 12.5 mm, HW 3/1, SL 2.8; gaster of major wholly brown or black, either without patches or with dark indistinct patches; tibiae with ventral setae. Cape and Transvaal.
Collated from
South Africa
minor Camponotus maculatus intonsus minor .
mathildae (Camponotus maculatus subsp. mathildae n. subsp., Forel, 1910c: 266, major, minor & queen) Camponotus mathildae majorForel's (1910c) description is at {original description}. Santschi (1914b) had more at {original description}. Arnold (1922) gave a translation which is at {original description}. TL major 10.5 mm; black, alitrunk dark brown, legs and mandibles brighter brown; apical segments of gaster yellowish. Zoutpansberg, 800 m asl, collector Rolle.
South Africa
Camponotus mathildae minor

radamoides (Camponotus maculatus i. sp., var. radamoides, Forel, 1891b: 213, major & minor) Forel's (1891b) description was brief and noted the major and minor workers were similar to the type form but the gaster was entirely black; the occipital angles on the major were reddish; generally smaller - the major with less convex sides to the head and the petiole scale of the minor lower and more obtuse (Andramgoloaka Forest, collector Sikora).
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sarmentus (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F., subsp. sarmentus n., Emery, 1920c: 14, illustrated, major & minor)
see new elevated species page
{Camponotus maculatus sarmentus} Emery's (1920c) description is at {original description}. Major TL 13 mm; black, mandibles ferruginous; funiculi, coxae and base of femur reddish-fulvous. Base of Mt Ruwenzori, collector Stuhlmann Kenya
semispicatus (C. (Myrmoturba) maculatus st. Mathildae var. semispicta, nov., Santschi, 1914b: 130, worker; Emery, 1920c: 5; Menozzi, 1930b: 116, queen) Camponotus maculatus semispicatusSantschi's (1914b) description is at {original description}. Differs from mathildae by the colour of the sides of the alitrunk and legs which are yellow ochre, that is darker and more like melanconemis. Numerous specimens and collections in Kenya by Alluaud and Jeannel.
Collated from
D group with pale non-blotched gaster .
boera (Camponotus maculatus F. ssp cognatus var boera n. var., Forel, 1910f: 27; name listed ballioni var boera by Santschi, 1925h: 166, Major, Minor & queen) Camponotus maculatus boeraForel's (1910f) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1922: 632) gave a translation, this is at {original description}. Entirely rusty yellow-red or brownish-yellow colour; TL 8-13 mm; shape, sculpture and pilosity agree entirely with cognatus
Collated from
South Africa
cavallus (Camponotus maculatus st. ballioni n. st., Santschi, 1911g: 211, major, minor & queen) {Camponotus maculatus cavallus minor}Santschi's (1911g) description of cavallus is at {original description}. TL 9.5-10.5 mm; blackish brown but with extensive reddish-yellow areas, notably the basal two-thirds of the gaster (or of the first gaster segment?), second segment almost completely black; mandibles with some striation; frontal carinae more S-shaped and posteriorly further apart than type maculatus Angola
Camponotus maculatus cavallus majorCollated from

Camponotus maculatus cavallus minor

hannae (Camponotus (Myrmoturba) maculatus F. st. hannae n. st., Santschi, 1919a: 349, illustrated, major & minor) {C. maculatus hannae minor}Santschi's (1919a) description is at {original description}. Arnold (1926: 294) gave a translation, this is at {original description}. TL 8-12 mm; major coloured like race cavallus but this has a shorter more convex alitrunk; tibiae compressed and without setae. Zimbabwe, Victoria Falls, collector G Arnold. Zimbabwe
Syntype major {Camponotus maculatus hannae major}Collated from
The photomontage of what it appears may well be a minor of hannae is of a specimen from Zambia, near Kipushi (DR Congo)
11°46'N 27°14'E; 5.ii.1928 solitary on tree; OUMNH;  collector H Silvester Evans.
Possibly too pale a minor
{Camponotus maculatus hannae minor} .
Contents Camponotus maculatus main entry
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11, Grazingfield, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7FN, U.K.
