Wheeler's description -
FEMALE - Length 13 mm; wings 1.4 mm. Head broader than
narrower in front, with straight posterior border and rounded posterior
corners. Eyes rather large, on the sides, twice as long as the straight
cheeks; ocelli large, in deep impressions. Mandibles with 6 graduated
teeth, the apical tooth large. Clypeus rather evenly convex, slightly
depressed in the middle behind; its anterior border entire and broadly
rounded. Frontal area large, semicircular, convex; frontal groove
deeply impressed; frontal carinae slightly lobed, diverging behind.
Antenna short, 10-jointed; scapes reaching only to the posterior
orbits; funicular joints 2 to 4 a little broader than long, fifth joint
as long as broad, remaining joints longer than broad, the three
terminal joints forming an indistinct clava as long as the remainder of
the funiculus. Thorax long and narrow, elliptical from above; mesonotum
distinctly longer than broad, distinctly overarching the pronotum in
front, with sharply marked parapsidal furrows. Propodeum in profile
rectangular, with the declivity longer than the base, abruptly sloping,
somewhat concave in the middle, on each side with a marginate
projection which forms the bluntly rectangular outline of the propodeum
in profile. Petiole from above a little longer than broad, in profile,
with straight ventral outline and rather low, rounded node, the
anterior slope of which is feebly concave. Postpetiole twice as broad
as the petiole, nearly twice as broad as long, very slightly flattened
above and on the sides, with a distinct transverse impression
anteriorly on the ventral surface. Gaster broadly and regularly
elliptical, slightly flattened above and below. Legs rather short, hind
metatarsi about three-fifths as long as the hind tibiae.
Shining; sides of propodeum, petiole and postpetiole
opaque; mandibles very coarsely rugose-punctate; remainder of body with
umbilicate punctures, which are smaller and sparser on the thorax and
gaster than on the clypeus and head. Between these punctures there are
more numerous, very minute but sharp punctures. Clypeus transversely
rugulose, especially behind; front of head very finely longitudinally
striate. Base and declivity of propodeum very finely transversely
striate. Antennal scapes and legs finely punctate. Almost hairless;
only a few short, yellowish hairs towards the tips of the antennae, on
the mandibles, mouth-parts, border of clypeus and a patch of more
numerous hairs at the tip of the gaster. Deep castaneous; gaster,
scutellum, pedicel and sides of propodeum blackish. Wings uniformly
infuscate, with dark brown veins and pterostigma, the veins narrowly
bordered with blackish.
Type collection - A single specimen taken at
light at
Stanleyville (Lang and Chapin). The species is evidently very different
from all the described African species, except sicheli Mayr,
but this form, judging from Mayr's description, is less shining, of a
paler color, with small but distinct hairs arising from the coarse
punctures on the body, the clypeus has a shallow longitudinal
impression and is merely punctate and the sides of the propodeum are
finely longitudinally striate. The study of more material of both forms
may show that langi is to be regarded as a subspecies of C. sicheli.