Crematogaster (Crematogaster) censor Forel
Type location Senegal
(Cremastogaster senegalensis Roger, subsp. censor n.
subsp., Forel, 1910e: 434, worker; raised to species Forel, 1916: 406)
collected by Aeberli
worker only described (see Bolton, 1995) .
Forel's (1910e) description is at . Forel's (1916) description of junodi,
with a note on his original species description, is at .
I have separated Crematogaster
junodi as a distinct species. Although similar in form to censor
and sharing
some of the matt appearance due to fine spiculation, junodi has more
extensive sculpturation especially on the front of the head and the
clypeus but has a shiny gaster.
photomontage of the type worker is
collated from
Oxford University Museum
Crematogaster (Cr.) censor
B Taylor det.
E Poirier
Yekepa Camp 4
PF 17
Nimba County
07°33’04" N
08°33’17" E
Pitfall trap
Floodplain & marsh
501 m asl
photomontage is of a worker from Liberia; collector E
Poiriet (Yekepa Camp 4 PF 17). This appears a good match to the Forel
(1910) description and the type in form and matt appearance. It is
larger than the type but Forel gave the TL as 2.5-3.8 mm. Below is a
colour adjusted image of the type, where I have sought to reduce the
over-riding magenta hue of the Antweb images.
photomontage is of a second worker from Liberia; collector E
Poiriet (Yekepa Camp 4 PF 17).
Colour adjusted
photomontage of the above type worker.