Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) n. sp. IR19
Iran list
Type location Iran,
Isfahan Kasham, Maragh, Kh. Nasiri, 10 May 2012.
TL ca 4.2 mm, HW 1.00, HL 1.04, EL 0.24, SL
0.88, PW 0.64, CI 96, SI 88. Placed in Sphaerocrema by virtue of the
entire dorsum to the postpetiole. Propodeal spines upturned
Presumably the form identified by C A Collingwood as Crematogaster (Sphaerocrema) luctans.
As the type images and fresh specimens from Africa show that is
quite distinct from this Iran species.
It seems highly possible also that this is the species Collingwood (1985, illustrated dorsal view of petiole)
reported from Saudi Arabia as Cr. luctans.
He noted the species lives within the
hollow twigs of dead acacia branches; "it is characterised [among
Arabian species] by the yellow colour and well developed propodeal
spines", plus "the rounded unindented postpetiole". That cannot be
verified at present, however. The key in Collingwwod & Agosti
(1996) Has 1. Postpetiole entire ... 2. 2. Body colour yellow propodeal
spines long .. Cr. luctans.